

A new cafe opened up in the neighborhood... and big surprise! I've totally been creeping around, doing my coffee-and-journal thang there. It's called Skytown... isn't that a gorgeous name for a cafe?

I first discovered it last fall, when my friend Maeve and I made plans at a different place to meet up for coffee/ brunch. The original one we picked out was packed, and I happened to walk by Skytown along the way. So we went there instead, and that's how I came to have a new neighborhood cafe in my collection of favorites.

The weird thing about it though, is that's one of those awkwrd places that's a bar, but also a coffee shop with wifi. But it also serves food. But there are no servers. ... Well, there are servers, but only when it's evident that people are coming there to eat. I never know where I should order, or who from. Or if I can stay for three hours, or if I'm taking up someone's table.

Anyway, I ended up hanging out here the other night. It was interesting to note the bar crowd, as I was doing the more typical daytime-activity of writing and peppermint tea drinking. Either way, I'm looking forward to getting to know the place better :)

skytown brooklyn skytown brooklyn skytown brooklyn


♥ watch my new video for "just the way you are" on youtube!!



  1. It sounds like a lovely little place!

  2. Very cute place - great photos!

  3. Anonymous2/18/2013

    Looks like a gem of a place!! Luck you :)

  4. I've listened to your CD three times already today - am seriously digging it. Third fave song is probably "Affair". Your songwriting is amaz'.


  5. Anonymous2/19/2013

    looks really cosy there :)

  6. Ohmygosh, what a cute and cozy little place! i wish we had one downhere. Its so adorable!


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