Browned Butter Frisee

Browned Butter Frisee

Ever heard of frisee? Probably not... but you should! It's a bitter, hearty tasting green that is much yummier than it sounds. I never would've known its existence if it hadn't been this fancy-dancy little restaurant I lived near, and used to have dinner at semi-frequently. I don't remember why exactly I was drawn to their frisee salad, other than that it was one of their cheaper options. But it's one of those meals that I still think about from time to time... three years later.

Frisee salad

This is a pretty accurate attempt at recreating it, yet it's the simplest thing EVER. You will need approximately two ingredients: Butter and frisee lettuce.

Now you may be thinking- "Butter on greens??? No way." Except... yes. You don't just pour straight butter all over lettuce, you brown it first. Take about a Tbs of butter, and melt it on medium/ high heat. It will brown up quite quickly.

Frisee salad

After the butter is done, wait a few minutes for it to cool off.

Then slowly drizzle the butter on 2 cups of frisee in a bowl, and toss it with a fork to coat it. This will make one serving.

It's not your typical salad. But it is delish nonetheless :)

Frisee salad


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  1. May have to try this if I can find that kind of lettuce :)

    1. yes, it's a pretty random type! my supermarket sells the earthbound organic brand, and that's what i used for this.

  2. i usually put a little sage in my browned butter and put it on pasta! i'll have to try this!

  3. Oh my! I never usually go for frisee - but this has browned butter on it! Sounds absolutely delicious.

    1. yes, frisee is definitely "different" tasting (and looking). but the saltiness of the butter balances out the bitterness, imo. x

  4. ooh! I will definitely need to try this :)

    -Emma from little motley


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