Mad Men!

Mad Men!

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I thought I didn't care that Mad Men was coming back, but I was wrong. I've been so wrapped up in my Walking Dead and Game of Thrones dramas, that I just lost track.

I caught the first episode of season 6, and am now pretty pumped for the new season! All our favorite brooding anti-heros and heroines are just as messed-up as ever, and every delicious detail of every costume and every scene is excruciatingly stylized. And... I think I'm even starting to like Megan!

Also amazing to look forward to are Tom and Lorenzo's awesome weekly recaps. If you are a true fan of Mad Men, you just cannot miss these. Trust me.

Yay! I don't know about you, but I'm certainly looking forward to more philandering and 60's countercultural references. xoxo


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  1. I love these looks from Mad Men!

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog! My favourite was the pink one haha. I love your site, I think I'm going to have to favourite the page of your last post about destressing!

  3. Man I need to catch up. I bought the WHOLE set of dvd's...1-5 so I could get up to speed before this season ends!

  4. Yeeesssss! Is it me or did Joan's boobs get bigger??? Anyway, I'm excited for this season too. I also love just how politically incorrect this show is, so awesome. :)

  5. I was so excited for the first episode of the season and after watching it I'm even more excited for the entire season!

  6. Christina Hendricks is such a babe <3

    xo Ashley

  7. I adore Mad Men and like you I've been caught up in Walking Dead and Game of Thrones! Thanks for sharing Tom and Lorenzos link because I am definitely going to be looking forward to those posts as much as the show itself!

  8. yes!! I love mad men. it's just so tasty and dramatic. what's not to love?

  9. Okay-I JUST started watching Mad Men and I really can't understand why I waited so long! I'm only 1/2 way through season one, but it's definitely my new show!

  10. I love this show so much. I have the episode but haven't watched it yet. I need to get on that!


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