Flora and Fauna

Flora and Fauna

Hello again! Hope your week has been going swimmingly. Mine... well, it's a mess :) A really fun mess though! I will be able to elaborate better very soon :)

Anyway, I wanted to pop in and share some outfit photos. My friend (and camp roommate) Lynnette very graciously snapped these shots of me the day before we left.

Forever 21 skirt
Photos by Lynnette Smith Forever 21 skirt

In case you were wondering, all items of clothing in this shoot is my new favorite everything. The tank top is an old staple. But I did a bit of shopping for new clothes before leaving, and snagged this skirt and scarf.

I LOVE 90's vibe of the skirt. I feel like it's even more 90's-looking in person. I'll be wearing it all summer long, but I also can't wait to wear it in the fall paired with black tights and a chunky cardigan!

20130614-IMG_3095 Forever 21 skirt

Also, new favorite alert: these booties from The Scarpetta. I admit, they're really much more of a cold-weather boot. But since it's currently too warm to live out my fantasy of fall layers, I was happy to be able to sneak them into this summery outfit :) I cannot wait to break these babies out in the fall.

Look at me talking about clothing a season ahead of time. What am I, some sort of fashion blogger or something? (no, not really.)

Forever 21 skirt

And here, we have the lovely Lynnette! Isn't she gorgeous? Doesn't she look like she should have a fashion blog of her own? She slyly mentioned to me wanting to start one. (Tell her she should!)

20130614-IMG_3062 forever 21 skirt
Tank top- old / Scarf - Urban Outfitters / Skirt- Forever 21 / Booties- c/o The Scarpetta


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  1. She should! my goodness would love to see that red hair in action more :O!

  2. You are going back to camp this summer?? Awesome! She should definitely start a blog, I would read it :) I'm finding myself surrounded by the '90s lately...again!

    1. yes, i'm there now, and it's crazy and awesome!! xoxo

  3. cute skirt! so summer-y!
    have a nice weekend :)

  4. She should definitely start a blog! Hugs to you both :).


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