Another new song!!

Another new song!!

Hello!! How is everyone today?

As for me, it's hitting me that this crazy summer is almost over. It will be time to get back to reality soon... back to my little life in Brooklyn filled with such joys as late mornings, coffee dates, and endless brunches with friends. So unlike the reality that I'm living right now. But I wouldn't have it any other way :)

Anyway, I wanted to document another really amazing moment from this summer... one more new song debuted at a concert! I was really happy with the way it turned out, and had a great reaction. I really love the way my songs come to life when interesting arrangements are added. I was lucky enough to have some really talented friends play trumpet, cello, and bass with me.

It felt amazing.

graham chan perform red dress
Photos by Graham Zinger

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing great! Talk very soon, and some exciting news coming as well!! :) xx


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  1. How cool! Congratulations on debuting a new song!

  2. Very nice!
    Yes, summer is coming to an end and autumn schedules are about to begin.


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