Christmas Fun 2013

Christmas Fun 2013

So here we go from Thanksgiving straight into Christmas! Time is weird. Anyway, here's a few snaps from my annual trek home for the holidays...

Christmas fun Christmas fun Christmas fun Christmas fun Christmas fun

We just hung out at home most of the time, with the exception of a couple little jaunts... like picking Matt up at the train, and a trip to my favorite thrift store...

Which... I have to sidetrack for a minute to just tell you about this place. You know how most thrift stores have caught on to the idea that they're "cool" now, so they can jack up their prices? Yeah, not this one. It's located in a nice area, where the moneyed people of the town unload all their things when they get tired of them. Only, everything in the store is like $3. (Sorry for no pics... I was caught up in all the good deals!)

Every time I go, I keep expecting the prices to go up, but they just never do... you're guaranteed to find something good for cheap! This time, I got a pair of Rockport oxfords and a really pretty cardigan, and paid $6. Can't go wrong.

Anyway, we topped off the trip with our traditional dinner out at Chen's, aka the best Chinese restaurant of all tiiiiiiiime.

Christmas fun Christmas fun Christmas fun

I love my family <3


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  1. is that your man???? i don't think we've ever seen him before...... :) so cute!

    1. the guy in the second to last picture? no, that's my brother :P haha!

      i've posted pics of matt here and there... he's a bit camera shy. there will be some pictures of him tomorrow! xoxox

  2. Ugh that thrift store sounds SO AWESOME.. I always hear others scoring so many items for cheap but the ones in my area are like $10 per item!! With stains, tears, etc. :(

  3. Anonymous1/10/2014

    Thank you, Ive recently been looking for information about this subject matter for ages and yours is the best Ive found so far.
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  4. Awe, those glasses look wonderful! And so does your Xmas tree ;).

    All the vintage stores I know here in Cali totally take advantage of the fact that vintage stuff is "so in fashion" and more usual than not overcharge for the crap they sell :/.

    The photos of your family are also lovely.


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