Life moments

Life moments

chantilly chantilly chantilly chantilly chantilly

Oh man, these past couple of weeks have been crazy and awesome!  Apart from the pretty images you see here, I've been keeping very busy, somehow.


~ I teach a music class at a charter school, and there was an end-of-trimester recital last Thursday.  Some of the kids performed songs and lyrics they had been working on.  :proud:

~ Chaperoned a bus trip for the camp that I worked at this summer.  We drove all the way to the Funplex in southern New Jersey  :P  It's an exciting and overstimulating place with arcade games, bowling, bumper cars, lazer tag, and more.  It was wonderful to see everyone again...  But it did tucker me out, as kids are wont to do :)

~ Been writing lots of new songs!  If you watched the video in the last post, you'll recall that I've joined up with an Internet songwriting group which demands a fresh song per week from its members.  It's been keeping me on my toes, for sure... and to be honest, I really do need deadlines to be motivated sometimes :P  Plus a musician-internet-buddy of mine was in town last weekend-  Meghan Morrison.   So we met up to do some writing together.  It went really well :)

Hope everyone has a nice weekend.  I think I'll try to relax a bit!  xx


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  1. your headphones! the color! I WANT! haha

    1. Haha, yes they're my favorite as well!

  2. Love these photos, especially the flowers and vase - so pretty! Cute hat, too. This post seems to say you are busy but happy, right? :)

    <3 Megan

  3. I always love your everyday snapshots, you find such beautiful moments often overlooked. That sounds like a great group for motivating!

    1. Yeah, I've been trying to get more into taking random photos lately! I'm glad you enjoy them!! :)

  4. those food photos - yum! totally jealous of that french toast.

    xo. jenn @ hello, rigby!

    1. Challah French toast!! Yeah, it was pretty awesome :)

  5. Oh that french toast looks DELISH.


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