Life Moments

Life Moments


Did everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend?  We just got back from a camping trip, which was pretty awesome... more details soon  :)   In the meantime, here are a few of my favorite snaps from the last couple of months.  ♥♥

Wine Bar NYC

Record Player

Pinball 2 Bit Lower East Side NYC

Hudson Valley NY
Guitar songwriting

Washington Street Coffee New London CT

Mr. Softee NYC

Robert Moses Beach NY

+ Out and about in Soho on a rainy day.

+ Little Italy.  I took this photo while trying to run away from a man who was following me down the street, giving me weird unsolicited photography advice.  An odd situation for sure, but at the very least I got a cool photo out of it.

+ Our record player + record collection.  Matt's been into jazz lately, but I'm a sucker for my indie rock favorites.  Gotta brush up on the lyrics to all those Shins songs, who we're seeing in Prospect Park this summer!

+ Recently we met some friends on the Lower East Side at one of those arcade bars.  I'd never been to one before, and It was so awesome!!!  I played pinball and Ninja Turtles.  Sigh, nostalgia.

+ I love any kind of tall grass.  It makes me feel safe and cozy somehow... I guess it reminds me of those childhood days, running through without a care in the world.

+ Feeling inspired and attempting to revisit some old lyrics/ songs.

+ On a recent trip to see my grandparents, I happened upon this super cute cafe nearby (New London, CT.)   I was curious,so I did a Trulia search on real estate in the area, which it turns out is very inexpensive.  Then I had a day dream about quitting this crazy NYC life (again) and buying a house there for $59,000.

++ Looking forward to seeing more summer-fun images like these for sure :))


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