Workshop Update

Workshop Update

brooklyn rooftop

brooklyn rooftop
brooklyn rooftop

Another round of Noise Collective workshops has gone by, and I almost forgot to post about it!  I've got to get better at that... I want to share so much more of what goes on in my musical life, but the content is not always inherently visual.   Either way, here's some creativity in action for you :)

This time, I hosted around ten artists at my place, and we split people into groups where they would come up with an amazing song or idea (within an hour!), and then all share their new songs at the end.   A few groups took to the rooftop this time, and also my stairwell :P

It really is awesome to hear what everyone comes up with... and for most people, it's something they never would've thought of if they didn't have a cowriting partner.  That's part of why I love doing this so much.

Yay artists!!

PS, speaking of new musical creations, my friend Jamie- my guitar co-teacher from my first year of camp just released a new album with his band- Gorilla Punch Radio.  I'm so proud of him, and know how much work it takes to release a record!   You can listen to their music here.

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  1. This is such a cool idea! :)
    I wished I can play a guitar, well... at least I have one^^
    Have a nice sunday :)

    1. Just start with 15 minutes a day... you can totally play guitar ! :)

  2. It is totally great that you're doing this!!


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